It’s much harder now for your campaigns to stand out comparative to yesterday. After all, millions of people-on-the-go are sharing thousands of content on the net every minute, making even the most stunning messages in just a few minutes drown in the sound. What can you do in all this noise to scream above and […]
The Best Online Side Hustle Ideas for Creatives
Do you have that creative fire burning within you that you want to start fanning into a side hustle but don’t know how to start? Well, you have already taken a step in the right direction by reading this! Here are exciting ideas for side hustles out of the twenty that I have collated-from creating […]
What You Need to Know About Using Social Media Emojis: A Friendly Guide for Website & Email Content
Not that many years back, the entire concept of emojis was very new. Its travel from a page on near MovableType v3.0 to the lives of those who are early adopters of social media and texting is a sign of a new area. These cute little smileys were first explored-in 1999 when Shigetaka Kurita […]
25 Essential Design Terms Every Designer Should Know
Venturing forth as an enthusiastic initiate in the field of graphic arts entails learning new languages for most people. However, even the most seasoned of designers still struggle with the terminologies. Be it brochures and booklets in InDesign, photos in Photoshop, or logos in Illustrator-we cannot overemphasize the significance of these fundamental terms. How much […]